“The main way that most people will experience climate change is through the impact on food: the food they eat, the price they pay for it, and the availability and choice that they have.”
~ Tim Gore, Head of Policy, Food Justice for Oxfam
Vision & Mission
Bowen Island Food Resilience Society (BIFS) envisions a thriving, place-based food ecosystem on Bowen Island/Nex̱wlélex̱m.
We support initiatives and methods that restore biodiversity and human-scale regenerative, local food production. We believe that healthy and accessible food should be available to all.
The mission of Bowen Island Food Resilience Society (BIFS) is to build the skills, knowledge, networks, and structures needed to create a healthy, resilient, community-based food system that addresses the climate emergency and social justice issues.
Bowen Island Food Resilience Society (BIFS) started out in 2017 as a joint committee of Bowen Agricultural Alliance (BAA) and Bowen In Transition (now Regenerative Bowen Island). The group was formed in response to the serious challenges to food security posed by the climate emergency, the depletion of soil by conventional agriculture, and a widespread loss of biodiversity due to chemicals and extractive industries.
BIFS is concerned about equity in the food system and how agriculture can be transformed to address both social and environmental justice. We believe that a more holistic approach to farming and food will help the environment by sequestering carbon, restoring biodiversity, and regenerating life in the soil. We are working to create respectful and cooperative relationships with nature and our human community to produce healthy, affordable food for all. Read about our Projects to learn more about our approach and what we are doing.
As one of several community groups and many individuals interested in these issues, BIFS invites collaboration with local and regional partners. Please write to us at: bowenfoodresilience@gmail.com for more information or if you are considering making a donation. We would love to hear from you!
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