“There are moments when the heart is generous, and then it knows that for better or worse our lives are woven together here, one with one another and with the place and all the living things.”
~ Wendell Berry
Welcome to Bowen Island Food Resilience (BIFS), an organization that is home to backyard and market gardeners, climate activists, and community-minded islanders who are working together to create a resilient food system. BIFS is one of several local groups and many individuals on Nexwlélexwm concerned about food, climate, and community resilience.

Our Projects
Current BIFS initiatives include a Pesticide Working Group, Grafton Agricultural Commons, and educational programs coordinated with schools and other community institutions. We use science-based regenerative methods, rooted in Indigenous knowledge and stewardship. We value living systems both in nature and in society -- from restoring biodiversity in the soil to building community while working together.

Five Principles of Regenerative Agriculture
Limit disturbance to the soil
Keep the soil covered
Build diversity
Keep living roots in the soil as long as possible
Integrate animals